
Showing posts from October, 2017


Appium : Chapter 1:   Introduction to Appium Introduction to Appium Overview of Open Source Mobile Test Automation tools Open source Mobile Automation tool Evaluation docs Why APPIUM Limitations of APPIUM Appium architecture Chapter   2: Appium- Prerequisites & Installation for Windows Appium Prerequisites Java Installation & Configuring System Environmental variables Maven Configuration Android SDK configuration Eclipse IDE configuration Appium installation on windows  Chapter 3: Installation for APK Files What is an APK file Various sources to get APK files Installing application on real device using these APK files Automating INDIAMART-Login Automating Facebook- Post Status Automating Facebook- Delete Post & User Logout Chapter 4: Object identification UI Automator Component Element Locators Locating elements by resource ID Locating elements by name Locating elements by classname Locating elements by xpath C...

Mobile App Testing

TYPES OF MOBILE APP TESTING To address all the above technical aspects, the following types of testing are performed on Mobile applications. Usability testing – To make sure that the mobile app is easy to use and provides a satisfactory user experience to the customers. Compatibility testing  – Testing of the application in different mobiles devices, browsers, screen sizes and OS versions according to the requirements. Interface testing – Testing of menu options, buttons, bookmarks, history, settings, and navigation flow of the application. Services testing  – Testing the services of the application online and offline. Low-level resource testing -  Testing of memory usage, auto-deletion of temporary files, local database growing issues known as low-level resource testing. Performance testing – Testing the performance of the application by changing the connection from 2G, 3G to WIFI, sharing the documents, battery consumption, etc. Operational t...