Appium :

    Chapter 1: Introduction to Appium
    • Introduction to Appium
    • Overview of Open Source Mobile Test Automation tools
    • Open source Mobile Automation tool Evaluation docs
    • Why APPIUM
    • Limitations of APPIUM
    • Appium architecture
    Chapter 2: Appium- Prerequisites & Installation for Windows
    • Appium Prerequisites
    • Java Installation & Configuring System Environmental variables
    • Maven Configuration
    • Android SDK configuration
    • Eclipse IDE configuration
    • Appium installation on windows 
    Chapter 3: Installation for APK Files
    • What is an APK file
    • Various sources to get APK files
    • Installing application on real device using these APK files
    • Automating INDIAMART-Login
    • Automating Facebook- Post Status
    • Automating Facebook- Delete Post & User Logout
    Chapter 4: Object identification
    • UI Automator Component
    • Element Locators
      • Locating elements by resource ID
      • Locating elements by name
      • Locating elements by classname
      • Locating elements by xpath
    Chapter 5: Basics of Android
    • Share & Control Real Android Device screen from PC
    • Download Android Platforms using SDK Manager
    • create virtual Devices/Emulators using AVD Manager
    Chapter 6: APPIUM basic concepts
    • Setting up a basic project
    • Appium API Reference
    • What are DesiredCapabilities
    • Knowing AppPackage and Launcher Activity of Android App
    Chapter 7: APPIUM commands
    • sendKeys()
    • click()
    • getLocation()
    • getContextHandles()
    • findElement()
    • closeApp()
    • quit ..etc
    Chapter 8: Mobile Touch Gestures-DragDrop, MultiTouch, Swipe,Scroll
    • Performing Drag and Drop using TouchAction class
    • Performing Click and Swipe using TouchAction class
    • Performing MultiTouch and Drop using MultiTouchAction class
    • Performing Swipe using screen coordinates(x,y)
    • Performing Long press using TouchAction class
    Chapter 9: Android MobileBrowser-Automating Mobile Web Application
    • Introduction to Mobile Web Automation
    • How to get User-agent from Android Browser
    • Identifying the objects on Mobile browser
    • Automating mobile-specific websites
    Chapter 10: Android- Automating Built-in Apps(Phone, contact, Settings)
    • Android BuiltIn App(Phone): Dial phone number
    • Android BuiltIn App(Message): Sending a message
    • Android BuiltIn App(Clock) : Setup Recurring Alarm
    Chapter 11: Appium- Prerequisites & Installation for Mac
    • Appium Prerequisites
    • Java Installation & Configuring System Environmental variables
    • Maven Configuration
    • Android SDK configuration
    • Xcode Configuration
    • Eclipse IDE configuration
    • Appium installation on Mac
    • Install Appium from command line using npm
    Chapter 12: Appium- iOS App download
    • Emulators Vs Simulators
    • iOS App download
    • Share IOS Device Screen on Mac
    • Provisioning Development Build on Real IOS Device
    • Using Appium inspector to identify the element properties
    Chapter 13: Working with Safari browser on IOS Device
    • Running ios first automation test case
    • Launch Safari browser on IOS Simulator
    • Launch Safari Browser on Real IOS Device
    Chapter 14: Working with IOS Controls on Real IOS Device
    • Working with Steppers(UIAStepper)
    • Working with Switches(UIASwitches)
    • Working with Sliders(UIASlider)
    • Working with PickerWheel(UIAPickerWheel)
    • Working with Date Picker
    • Working with Segmented Controls(UIASegementedControl)
    • Working with Page Indicator(UIAPageIndicator)
    • Handling alerts
    Chapter 15: Jenkins-Continous Integration with Appium
    • Parametrizing DesiredCapabilities using Maven
    • Integrating Appium with CI tool Jenkins
    • Dynamic Parametrization of DesiredCapabilities using Jenkins
    • Scheduling the framework to run at specific time
    Chapter 16: SauceLabs-Cloud Integration with Appium
    • Integrate Appium IOS Tests with SauceLabs
    • Integrate Android Appium Tests with SauceLabs
    Chapter 17: Programmatically Launch Appium on Mac & Windows
    • Programmatically launch Appium using AppiumServiceBuilder
    • Programmatically Launch Appium on Windows
    • Programmatically Launch Appium on Mac
    Chapter 18: PageFactory Model- Automating IOS App
    • PageObject Pattern & PageFactory Introduction
    • Developing PageObject Model and extending PageFactory support
    • Creating AbstractTest & AbstractPage
    • Writing Tests in PageFactory Model
    • Using @iOSFindBy and @AndroidFindBy Annotations
    Chapter 19: Appium Tests Parallel Execution
    • Run Appium Test Cases Across Multiple Devices Using Grid
    Chapter 20: Capture Video and Screenshots for iOS & Android test runs
    • Android: Record Video Screen during test execution 
    • iOS: Video Record Screen during Test Execution
    • Eclipse IDE- Fix for ADB Path error during Video Capture on Android
    Chapter 21: Overview on Appium 1.6.4 version
    • Introduction to XCUITest with iOS Simulator
    • Appium Desktop App and XCUITest Config with Real Device


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