
Showing posts from December, 2017


Testing web services was always a quite different. Doing functional testing of applications having UI is quite fun I must admit. You have pages, buttons, labels, text-box, images, etc. You know the underlying logic. Just enter the test data, click some buttons to call the underlying functions and voila, you are good to go. Now, when you have web services to test, there is no UI involved (most of the time). You have to deal with XML files, XSDs, WSDLs, request and their responses and much more which for a functional tester might be overwhelming sometimes. Main features: Mocking the services →, With the help of SoapUI, we can easily mock the web services and test them thoroughly. We can use the WSDL file and it will auto-generate the services and all the methods it contains. So the hassle to create the services is now automated. It allows SOAP as well as REST services to mock. Testing Security → SoapUI allow us to test the security features too. We can test the database by S...