Testing web services was always a quite different. Doing functional testing of applications having UI is quite fun I must admit. You have pages, buttons, labels, text-box, images, etc. You know the underlying logic. Just enter the test data, click some buttons to call the underlying functions and voila, you are good to go.

Now, when you have web services to test, there is no UI involved (most of the time). You have to deal with XML files, XSDs, WSDLs, request and their responses and much more which for a functional tester might be overwhelming sometimes.

Main features:

Mocking the services
→, With the help of SoapUI, we can easily mock the web services and test them thoroughly. We can use the WSDL file and it will auto-generate the services and all the methods it contains. So the hassle to create the services is now automated. It allows SOAP as well as REST services to mock.
Testing Security → SoapUI allow us to test the security features too. We can test the database by SQL injections to test the database vulnerability. Likewise, it allows us to test the stack overflow by bombing the XML files. We can also test the Cross Site Scripting by SoapUI.
Load Testing → One of the great features of SoapUI is to create the load test which can be seemingly integrated into LoadUI. We can set the SLA and verify it. It also lets you select the built-in load strategies like simple, fixed-rate etc.
Support wide variety of Technologies/Protocols → It supports a wide variety of protocols as well as technologies to make the life of a tester easier. The list comprises like SOAP, REST, Web/HTTP(s), JMS to name a few.
Automation Integration support → You can bundle your SoapUI test and integrate them with Maven, Hudson, Bamboo, JUnit, Ant etc without any hassle. You can even run your test with any task scheduler.
Powerful Analytics → Analytics gives us the ability to make the decisions and the real picture of AUT. SoapUI provides us various reports which are comprehensive in terms of the data yet not overwhelming for the user to understand. It also lets you to export the reports in any standard format and also gives us the option to customize them according to our needs.
Every report has some standard metrics which can be grouped as per need basis too.
Recording → SoapUI allows recording the all the data that is being sent and received from client and server. It even allows you to record the HTTP traffic. You can use the recorded messages to convert them into test cases.
Great Open Source Support → It allows anyone to develop the SoapUI plugins for their application. Widely used open source software like IntelliJ, Net Beans, Eclipse has developed the plugins for SoapUI and your test can be seemingly integrated with them.

In this post, let us see how can we create a Project in soapUI. To test web services, we have to have a project created in the soapUI tool.

The first step to create a project is to get access to the WSDL URL. This is an URL ending with?WSDL.

Before we create a project we have to understand the hierarchy in soapUI. The top most level of the hierarchy is a Workspace. Workspace is a container to hold multiple projects. In other words, a workspace can have multiple projects. By default, there will be one workspace created by soapUI. You might create a new one to hold all your projects. Under Project, we can have multiple Test Suites. Under Test Suites, we can have multiple test cases and under test cases, we can have test steps.

Please follow next blog for creating a web service project in SoapUI tool.

Thanks for reading this article!


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