Selenium - Automation

Introduction to Automation

What is automation testing
Advantages of Automation Testing
How to learn any automation tool
Types of Automation tools
Introduction to Selenium

What is Selenium
Use of Selenium
Features of selenium
Difference between Selenium and QTP
Selenium Components

Selenium 2.0 - Web Driver
Selenium IDE

Selenium Overview
Selenium IDE Introduction
Downloading and Installing Selenium IDE
Recording and Running a Simple Test
Selenium IDE - Features
Installing Useful Tools for Writing Tests
Selenium Concepts
Selenium Commands
Verifying Page Elements - Assertions and Verifications
Wait Commands
Object Identification
Element Locators
Regular Expression patterns
Selenium Test Runner
Why companies are not using recording tools
Limitations of Selenium IDE

Core Java Fundamentals

History of Java
Features of java
Java Programming Language Keywords
Class and Object
Data Types
Array Declaration, Construction and Initialization
Flow Control, Exceptions, and Assertions

Writing Code Using if and switch
Writing Code Using Loops
Handling Exceptions
Working with the Assertion Mechanism
Using the java.lang.String Class

Using the java.lang.Math Class
Using Wrapper Classes
Using the equals() Method with
Strings and Wrappers and Objects
Inner Classes

Method-Local Inner Classes
Anonymous Inner Classes
Static Nested Classes
Defining, Instantiating, and Starting Threads

Preventing Thread Execution
Synchronizing Code
Thread Interaction
Object Orientation, Overloading and Overriding, Constructors

Benefits of Encapsulation
Overridden and Overloaded Methods
About Eclipses

Installing Eclipse
Creating Simple Project in eclipse
Eclipse and Selenium together
Importing and Exporting
Debugging using Eclipse
Exploring Eclipse – Basic
Exploring Eclipse – Advanced
Object Identification using Fire Bug and Firepath

Introduction to Firebug
Downloading and installing of Firebug
Downloading and installing of Firepath
How to identify the xpath for an particular element
Identifying objects using Name, ID, Xpath, Dom, Css and link
Selenium RC - 1.0

Selenium Client Libraries
Browser commands with examples
Validation commands with examples
Debugging the scripts
Basic and Advanced - Selenium 2.0 - WebDriver

Introduction to selenium 2.0
Advantages of web driver
Web Driver v/s RC
Architecture of Web Driver and RC
Installation / Configuring Eclipse for Web Driver
Identifying the elements in Web Driver Using Id, Name, Xpath ,link and CSS
Working with Different drivers like HtmlUnit driver, Firefox Driver, IEDriver, Chrome Driver, Android Driver etc...
Creating the generic scripts in Web Driver
Creating the scripts by using functions
Capturing screenshots
Simulating Keyboard Events
Handling Drag and Drop
Handling Auto complete feature
Mouse over action in web Driver
Web Driver Client Libraries
Web Driver commands with examples
Handling Web Tables
How to take data from excel sheets
Why should we use excel sheets
Working with excel sheets using Web Driver
How to take data from DB
Handling Pop-up's and alert messages
Handling Ajax events
Working with Dropdown and page back commands
Working with frames
Working with Implicit Wait and Explicit Wait
Capturing screenshot on failure
Web Driver with TestNG / Junit
File upload and download
How to use TestNG and Junit in Selenium

Introduction to TestNG
Why TestNG
Setting up TestNG
Working with TestNG
Advantages of TestNG over Junit
Exploring TestNG Features
How to Use TestNG Annotations
Writing Selenium testing script from scratch
Creating Test suites using TestNG
Creating and running Test suites using TestNG
Skipping Tests
Setting priority of execution for test cases
Executing group of regression/sanity/smoke test cases using TestNG
Data Driven Testing TestNG
TestNG Execution Report
Printing the log statements in TestNG report
TestNG Results output folder walkthrough
TestNG Reporting features

Working with Robot Class to handle windows popups

What is mean by Robot class
Why Robot class in Web driver
Usage of Robot class in Web Driver
Handling windows popups using Robot class in Web Driver
Cucumber Tool with Web Driver

Cucumber tool Overview
Downloading Cucumber Jars and installation
Preparing Features File having test scenarios
Writing Runner Class
Given, When, Then, And, But annotations and usage in features class
Cucumber HTML Reports
Usage of cucumber tool with Web driver
Maven for Selenium & TestNG Integration

Apache - Maven
What is Maven
Installing the Maven
Configuring the Maven
What is pom.xml file
Using the pom.xml file
Setting up the Maven project in eclipse editor
Use of Maven project
Building and running the selenium Maven project
Updating the jar files by using Maven
Updating the libraries by using Maven
Updating the selenium project dependencies by using Maven
TestNG Maven Configuration
Executing TestNG from maven
Selenium Grid

Automation Framework

What is Framework
Types of Frameworks
What is modular framework
What is Data Driven framework
What is Keyword driven framework
What is Hybrid framework
Use of Framework
How to develop the framework from the scratch
Integration of the framework
How to execute the scripts from framework


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