
Core Java and Selenium

1. Core Java Fundamentals History of Java Features of java Java Programming Language Keywords Class and Object Data Types Array Declaration, Construction and Initialization Encapsulation Inheritance Polymorphism Flow Control, Exceptions, and Assertions Writing Code Using if and switch Statements Writing Code Using Loops Handling Exceptions Working with the Assertion Mechanism Using the java.lang.String Class Using the java.lang.Math Class Using Wrapper Classes Using the equals() Method with Strings and Wrappers and Objects Inner Classes Method-Local Inner Classes Anonymous Inner Classes Static Nested Classes Defining, Instantiating, and Starting Threads Preventing Thread Execution Synchronizing Code Thread Interaction Object Orientation, Overloading and Overriding, Constructors Benefits of Encapsulation Overridden and Overloaded Methods 2.  Introduction to Automation What is automation testing Advantages of Automation Testing How to learn...

Selenium - Automation

Introduction to Automation What is automation testing Advantages of Automation Testing How to learn any automation tool Types of Automation tools Introduction to Selenium What is Selenium Use of Selenium Features of selenium Difference between Selenium and QTP Selenium Components Selenium 2.0 - Web Driver Selenium IDE Selenium Overview Selenium IDE Introduction Downloading and Installing Selenium IDE Recording and Running a Simple Test Selenium IDE - Features Installing Useful Tools for Writing Tests Selenium Concepts Selenium Commands Verifying Page Elements - Assertions and Verifications Wait Commands Object Identification Element Locators Regular Expression patterns Selenium Test Runner Why companies are not using recording tools Limitations of Selenium IDE Core Java Fundamentals History of Java Features of java Java Programming Language Keywords Class and Object Data Types Array Declaration, Construction and Initialization Encapsulatio...

ReportPortal With Selenium, TestNG

What is ReportPortal? ReportPortal is a service, that provides increased capabilities to speed up results analysis and reporting through the use of built-in analytic features. ReportPortal is a great addition to the Continuous Integration and Continuous Testing process. Follow: Installation steps Download  and install Docker (Docker Engine, Compose, etc) Download link for windows 7 : (Recommended DockerToolbox-18.09.3.exe) NOTE: Make sure to install VirtualBox to support docker, compose engines in window machines. Deploy ReportPortal ReportPortal can be easily deployed using Docker-Compose. Make sure the  Docker  ( Engine ,  Compose ) is installed. Download the latest compose descriptor example from  here . You can make it by the next command: curl

Native Apps - Inspect elements by using UI Automator Viewer and Appium Desktop Inspector

There are many different tools that help you inspect elements in mobile apps. But the most popular and widely used tools are: 1. UIAutomatorViewer : This is a tool provided by Android Studio that lets you inspect elements in the mobile app NOTE : The  UIAutomatorViewer can be used only for android native apps. 2. Appium Desktop Inspector : The latest version of Appium GUI (Appium Desktop) comes with an inspector. We can use this inspector for both Android and iOS apps (for iOS apps, you would need a Mac). How to open UIAutomatorViewer : UIAutomatorViewer comes with Android Studio installation package. So when we install Android Studio, UIAutomatorViewer would automatically get installed with it. There are 2 ways in which we can open UIAutomatorViewer. Follow any of these methods to open it. Method 1: Open UIAutomatorViewer from Command Prompt This is the easiest way of opening UIAutomatorViewer. Just follow the steps given below to open it – Step 1.1 : Open command p...


Testing web services was always a quite different. Doing functional testing of applications having UI is quite fun I must admit. You have pages, buttons, labels, text-box, images, etc. You know the underlying logic. Just enter the test data, click some buttons to call the underlying functions and voila, you are good to go. Now, when you have web services to test, there is no UI involved (most of the time). You have to deal with XML files, XSDs, WSDLs, request and their responses and much more which for a functional tester might be overwhelming sometimes. Main features: Mocking the services →, With the help of SoapUI, we can easily mock the web services and test them thoroughly. We can use the WSDL file and it will auto-generate the services and all the methods it contains. So the hassle to create the services is now automated. It allows SOAP as well as REST services to mock. Testing Security → SoapUI allow us to test the security features too. We can test the database by S...


Appium : Chapter 1:   Introduction to Appium Introduction to Appium Overview of Open Source Mobile Test Automation tools Open source Mobile Automation tool Evaluation docs Why APPIUM Limitations of APPIUM Appium architecture Chapter   2: Appium- Prerequisites & Installation for Windows Appium Prerequisites Java Installation & Configuring System Environmental variables Maven Configuration Android SDK configuration Eclipse IDE configuration Appium installation on windows  Chapter 3: Installation for APK Files What is an APK file Various sources to get APK files Installing application on real device using these APK files Automating INDIAMART-Login Automating Facebook- Post Status Automating Facebook- Delete Post & User Logout Chapter 4: Object identification UI Automator Component Element Locators Locating elements by resource ID Locating elements by name Locating elements by classname Locating elements by xpath C...